Located at a busy north eastern shopping strip, this cafe business for sale enjoys a high volume of passing traffic, both vehicle & foot, due to the nearby train station, schools, army barracks & surrounding businesses.
The shop seats 16 people inside as well as 16 people outside. It is a brightly coloured cafe has an intimate atmosphere.
Boasting sales of 25kg of coffee per week as well as food, all of which is simple to prepare and can be prepared on the bench (minimal cooking).
The cafe is run by the vendor on a full time basis, with the assistance of 2 full time and 2 casual employees.
Average turnover of $9,000 per week. Very cheap rent of $1,631 per calendar month with long lease terms of 2x3x3 available.
Short trading hours of 6 days per week, from Monday to Saturday from 7:30am to 3:30pm.
No website in place and minimal use of social media at present, both of which could be used to boost customers for the business.
This business is easy to run, and no special cooking skills are required because all the food is easy to prepare. Staff in place will help with a smooth transition, while you learn how to manage this business.
Short 6 days per week trading hours makes this an ideal lifestyle business, as you can still enjoy Sundays free.
To obtain further information and arrange an inpection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300