Long established Florist Business for sale in Phillip Island, has a reputation for quality flowers and gifts, focussing on Australian made gifts.
Located in the main street of Cowes, next door to the Post Office and a thriving Cafe, ensuring a busy passing trade. Specialist wedding and event service provider, supplying floral arrangements for all occasions especially the numerous weddings that are held at Phillip Island. Is a member of the ‘Phillip Island Wedding Group’.
Sells a range of quirky floristry, horticulture and botanics. Specialising in Australian made gifts, including Glasshouse, MOR, L’Ascari, and custom Hampers - catering to locals as well as the large numbers of foreign tourists that visit.
Open 6 days per week, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
Solid turnover of $4,700 per week and rent of only $2,095 pcm with lease options of 3x3.
Owner works full time in the business with the help of 1 full-time staff member and 1 permanent part-time staff, plus a flower courier.
Has a large following on social media and a well designed website. Current owners are having the existing website completely redone to include an online store - so there is huge potential to grow the business.
Great lifestyle business for a florist to take over and be their own boss. Short operating hours will allow plenty of time to enjoy the island attractions.
For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300